Top shelf nootropic herbs formula created and tested over the past two years by Dr. Flora Freeauf DACM. This formula specifically targets improving memory and cognitive function aiming to reduce prevalence of declining brain function.
INGREDIENTS: Gota Kola, Ginko Biloba, Bikopa, Lions Mane, Gou Qi Zi, Honey Fried Licorice, Ni'oi Hawaiian Chili Pepper
***Must read to the end for conraindications before purchasing***
- Improve Memory
- Increase Cognitive Function
- Greatly benefits the aging brain: With conditions like alzheimers and dementia, we don't claim it treats this disease and would recommend someone to consult their Md for recommendations. However, there is a lot of research that supports the use of these herbs for aging and degenerative mental conditions.
Some people also say it:
- Improves stress under sleep deprovision.
- Has shown to decrease their sadness.
- Reduces swelling and improves circulation in those with severe varicose veins or vascular disease. It is often recommended patients who have ankle swelling take this for five days around flying, two days before, during and two days after the flight.
- Aids some cases of insomnia.
- Improves skin conditions and increases collagin. Some have found these herbs to be helpful in reducing stretch marks while improving a number of skin conditions. It is furthermore known to promote wound healing minimizing scarring.
While these herbs are the best in their categories, caution must be advised: Do not take this if you are on ANY medications including over the counter Ibuprofen without speaking to you PPC or pharmacist. One herb in this formula, Ginko Biloba is contraindicated with many pharmaceuticals. You can purchase most of these herbs without a prescription at your nearby pharmacy. However I feel obligated to include this caution, as herbs and pharmaceuticals can have a negative effect as with this product.
Statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
Products made by Anahata Health do not claim to cure, treat, or prevent diseases. There is no claim they are completely safe and if there is concern, please check with your PCP before using.
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PriceFrom $29.00
Price Options
One-time purchase
Clear Mind- Monthly
$29.00every month until canceled
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